Engraving-related subjects

Family of Charles I by Herbert Bourne

Herbert Bourne engravings

I have been collecting prints from British engraver Herbert Bourne since the early 1990's. Bourne stamps for various parts of the British empire but also specialized in steel plate engravings of painted artwork. I created a separate site to display all the Bourne prints I have located to date.

Million Dollar Fantasy Note by American Bank Note Company

Million Dollar Bill

I designed this special page because people find this site while searching for information about fantasy notes designed and printed by American Bank Note Company in 1988. The notes are the same size as U.S. currency and include numerous security features later adopted by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Except for the color, the notes are so realistic that an average of about 2,000 people per year hit this page searching for ways to sell their notes or redeem them for a million dollars.